A women doing workout | Femme Moderne Center for Aesthetics in Draper, UT

What to Add to Your Fitness Regimen to Up Your Fitness Game?

Staying fit and healthy is such an important part of living your life to the fullest. It can sometimes be easy to get caught in a fitness rut and be stuck doing the same things all the time. If you find yourself in this place, it may be time to shake up your fitness regimen with a few extra elements.

Return to the Basics

Sometimes you can get so caught up in the complexities of physical fitness that you forget about the basics you should be sticking to every day. If you feel like you may have lost touch of the basics, it is time to bring them back into your routine. The foundations of a healthy body and a successful fitness routine start with 8 8-oz glasses of water per day, at least 8 hours of good quality sleep, and a proper mix of cardio, strength, and flexibility/balance training. Starting with small, reasonable goals, such as 20 minutes of movement a day can build confidence and contribute to further success.  If you are looking for a proven weight loss solution with medically-supervised diet support, we have that too!

Treat Yourself with Body Contouring      

For some people, even with an amazing workout routine, they aren’t getting the results they were hoping to achieve. If this is the case for you, doing some body contouring can be a great way to supplement your fitness with a treatment that will help you to feel more comfortable and happier with your body. Spot treatment through exercise alone can be frustrating and ineffective. Body contouring with Physiq is a noninvasive option that you can use to change your body by spot reducing areas of fat and cellulite, while increasing lean muscle. Typically, we advise 3-6 treatments to get to the lasting aesthetic most clients are seeking. 

Track Your Progress 

Sometimes, when you see yourself in the mirror everyday, it can be difficult to notice changes.  Having periodic body composition analysis performed can give objective evidence that what you are doing is working and can spur on further motivation for change!  We offer body composition analysis with one of the most innovative body composition devices on the market, the InBody 270.  It tracks basal metabolic rate, muscle and fat mass, in addition to other useful measurements of health.

Don’t Forget Your Mental Health

If you neglect your mental health for your physical health, you are bound to end up burnt out and tired of your regular routine. It is important that you take care of your mental health so you can maintain your motivation and stamina for the work you are doing. Sometimes the only thing in between you and your success is a mental block that is stopping you from meeting your goals. Doing things like mindfulness activities, meditation, and even therapy can help you to improve your game and get better at taking care of your physical health. Mental health is directly tied to physical health, so it’s important to make sure you are keeping them both in check.

Ready to up your fitness game? Click here to learn about how our body contouring services can make you look and feel like your best self!

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