A Woman getting Laser Hair Removal | Femme Moderne Center for Aesthetics in Draper, UT

Everything You Need to Know About Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is a treatment that can allow you to permanently get rid of hair nearly anywhere on your body. If you are considering laser hair removal, it’s likely you have many questions. Taking the time to learn more can help you feel more comfortable and prepared. 

Reasons for Hair Removal

People choose to get laser hair removal for a variety of reasons. One of the simplest is the fact that it will save you time and money. You will no longer need to worry about shaving, waxing, plucking, etc. or paying for the required materials. With laser hair removal you can have soft smooth skin all the time which can help boost your confidence. Some people have medical conditions that lead to increased body hair and they may wish to have it removed. Of course, there are also people without medical conditions who want to have excess hair removed. Whatever your reasons may be, laser hair removal will ensure that your body hair is no longer a concern. 


Laser hair removal is a quick and relatively painless treatment. It can be done in just a few minutes and it is far less painful than other hair removal methods such as waxing. At most, you might feel like you have a mild sunburn. Laser hair removal is also very precise. It can target very specific areas even if they are small. For example, it can be an ideal option for targeting hair around the lips, underarms, or bikini area. One of the most important benefits of laser hair removal is the fact that it is a permanent solution. Laser hair removal kills the hair follicle so it will not grow back. 

What to Expect 

When you go in for laser hair removal, you will start by having the area cleaned. This is typically done to remove any dirt, oil, or products on your skin. In some cases, a numbing gel may also be applied. The numbing gel helps to make you more comfortable during your treatment. At Femme Moderne, we utilize the most effective Zimmer cooling technology available in the industry to optimize a comfortable experience. Our clients are constantly commenting on how quick and painless their laser hair removal experience is with us! As you are treated, you will wear protective eyewear and sit while a laser is used to remove all the hair follicles in the desired area. There may be a slight sulfur smell as the laser is being used. The time of your treatment will depend on the size of the area being treated. After your treatment, you should avoid excessive sun exposure. Treatments are sold in a package of 6 in order to ensure that each phase of hair growth is targeted during treatments, and treatments take place approximately every 4 weeks for a total of 6 treatments.

Laser hair removal is a great option for anyone who wants to move on from worrying about their body hair. Before your treatment, take time to learn about the process and what to expect for your specific experience. 

Schedule a laser hair removal appointment with Femme Moderne Today.

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